This page is still under construction, more research will be added. Please see the Publications and model visualization for the Great Lakes research and modeling.
Saltwater Intrusion in the Changjiang Esturary
Changjiang River is one of the biggest rivers by discharge volume in the world and the most important river in the history, culture and economy of China.The saltwater intrusion into Changjiang River has received intense attention in both economic and scientific aspects. The Changjiang River is a key freshwater source for Shanghai (the largest city in China) and surrounding regions. Chenhang Reservoir, which connects to the South Branch of the Changjiang River and functions as the second largest freshwater supply for Shanghai, has had difficulty in providing high-quality freshwater during the dry season as a result of the recent salting of the CR water...
Read MorePhysical and Biogeochemical Drivers of Dissolved Oxygen in Mass Bay
Increased outbreaks of harmful algal blooms; the long-term shift of phytoplankton species and increased (decreased) occurrences of the spring (fall) blooms; and the restoration of water quality after relocation of the sewage outfall from Boston Harbor to Mass Bay. Over the last two decades, the Mass Bay ecosystem has experienced remarkable changes. Dissolved oxygen (DO), one of the primary state variables used for water quality assessment, has received extensive public and governmental attention. Although no observations have shown that DO concentration minima in Mass Bay led towards hypoxia or anoxia, insufficient oxygen in the water column can cause a shift of aquatic species, a decrease of feeding, reproductive and spawning activities of aquatic animals and threaten ecosystem health...
Observing System Simulation Experiments in Nantucket Sound
Nowadays, we have many observing approaches, but building and maintaining a monitoring network is extremely costly. So the optimal design of this network is a key issue that affects the success of an observing system. Apparently, we can't test all out proposed sampling designs in the real ocean, but can we use model simulation experiment to address these questions and help design an optimal observing network?...
Read MoreHeat and Water Budget in the Gulf
The Persian Gulf, ( "Arabian Gulf" by most Arab states) is a region of strategic and ecological significance. This fragile ecosystem is the most important global oil transport route. Due to scarcity of observational data, the estimates of the net surface heat flux and lateral heat exchange with the Arabian Sea are rather uncertain. This uncertainty leaves open the fundamental question of whether this water body is a net heat source or a net heat sink to the atmosphere...
Read MoreLocal Air-Sea Feedback Mechanism over the Maritime Continent
This study is focused on the local air-sea feedback mechanisms over the shallow water (water depth < 200m) region of the Maritime Continent (MC). MC was selected as a pilot study site for its extensive shallow water coverage, geographic complexity and importance in the global climate system. To identify the existence of the local air-sea feedback process, we ran numerical experiments with perturbed SST fields using a coupled ocean-atmosphere model and an uncoupled ocean model...
Read MoreThis page is still under construction, more research will be added. In particular, Research on Great Lakes is coming soon!